1. Report -

    Our complaints process outlines how to make a complaint about us and our approach to making sure complaints are resolved.
  2. Advice and Information -

    As a consumer champion for the public, Healthwatch Walsall (HWW) regularly listens to experiences about unsatisfactory care and signposts to the most appropriate complaints handler.
  3. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during December 2023.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  4. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall wanted explore how Black and Asian women in Walsall truly feel during
    their maternity journey. Do women feel as though they are listened to and valued as individuals? Do women feel they are treated with respect and compassion? These are major factors in the quality of treatment a patient feels they have received. Furthermore, we wanted to ask women if they felt their ethnic background influenced the treatment and care they received.

    Gathering such patient experiences helps to give a small insight into the maternity journey for Black and Asian women in Walsall.
  5. News -

    Dear colleague,

    ​​Your local NHS is asking people for their comments about proposals to reduce differences in access to Healthcare services in the Black Country.

    ​​In July 2022, a change in the law created our new organisation, NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), to take over local healthcare planning from the former clinical commissioning group (CCG) serving the areas of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, and Wolverhampton.

    ​​Since the ICB establishment we have been reviewing our clinical policies. This includes:

    reviewing the four existing CCG policies to harmonise them into one new position for the ICB
    implementing new policies to take into account national clinical guidelines and best practice
    While the majority of their clinical policies were similar, there were several clinical polices that had some differences. To address these differences, commissioning policies for treatments listed below are being reviewed to look at how they can be made the same for the places of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, and Wolverhampton

    ​Clinical experts have looked at the latest evidence and practice for all of these services, both nationally and locally, to ensure the local offer is high quality and safe.

    The clinical policy review will be carried out in stages.

    ​​A public involvement exercise is now live to collect wider views and feedback from local people and staff to inform our final decision-making. 

  6. News -

    In June 2023, the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB) published the local NHS Joint Forward Plan, describing how NHS organisations in the Black Country will work together with other partners, including Local Authorities and the community and voluntary sector, to arrange and provide services to meet the needs of local people.
    The following five priority areas were set out in the plan:

    Priority 1- Improving access and quality of services
    Priority 2- Community where possible – hospital where necessary
    Priority 3- Preventing ill health and tackling health inequalities
    Priority 4- Giving people the best start in life
    Priority 5- Best place to work.
    With the second year approaching, the plan has been updated and a sixth priority - ‘fit for the future’ - has been added. This is to recognise that the Black Country health system needs to change the way it works to embrace the opportunities and meet the challenges it faces.
  7. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during February 2024.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  8. Report -

    On this occasion we carried out a project looking at the Accessible Information Standard to ensure it meets the needs of people with sensory impairment.

    Guidance from NHS England states:
    ‘From 1 August 2016 onwards, all organisations that provide NHS care and/or publicly-funded adult social care are legally required to follow the Accessible Information Standard.’

    ‘The Standard sets out a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents with a disability, impairment or sensory loss.’

    This report is a local sample of service user experiences and views.

    Available as a PDF and Word document which can be read aloud.
  9. News -

    The minutes from our open to the public session of our meetings.
  10. Report -

    Teenage pregnancy was chosen as one of our priority projects for 2023-2024. We met with Local Authority staff and from this meeting it was clear most of the work we would be undertaking would be around communication, which is something we had already covered in our Young Persons Communication Around Health and Social Care Services Report. We then met with Walsall Teenage Pregnancy Lead; from this we were invited to engage with young people who are currently attending 2 programmes that are running in Walsall, Teens & Toddlers and Thrive.