Looking for services near you?

We know that finding the services you need to look after your health care can be confusing. 

The National Health Service (NHS) have created a simple way for you to find your nearest services. Simply select the service you are looking for, put in your postcode and view the results. 

Visit NHS website

Looking for more information

If you would like more information on local support services, please get in touch with us. 

Get in touch

Useful information/ advice and support opportunities

Edward's Trust Supporting bereaved parents, children and young people in the West Midlands. Click Here

Ablewell Advice Walsall offers advcie and help with debt and welfare benefits to Walsall people. Click Here

Bladder and Bowel peer support. Click Here

The Beacon - Walsall (Drug and Alcohol Service) CLICK HERE

For 12 months, 'Let's Chat' scheme will offer ways to meet new friends, get advice or find out about local services and support groups. CLICK HERE

Recovery Hub. Mental health, recovery, health and wellbeing resource library, CLICK HERE

Walsall Living Directory. An extensive directory of support and delivery organisations in Walsall CLICK HERE

Special Education Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service leaflet CLICK HERE

Making Connections Walsall tackles loneliness and social isolation
by offering one to one support CLICK HERE

Dementia related information and support links to services CLICK HERE

Mental Health support directory CLICK HERE

Key information for children and young people to access help CLICK HERE

CQC Video – People’s experience of care workstream CLICK HERE

Age Matters Support information leaflet CLICK HERE

Walsall Learning Disabilities/ Autism Directory CLICK HERE

Housing / Homelessness – admin@firstbasewalsall.co.uk 


Youth of Walsall – youthofwalsall@gmail.com

NSPCC – Tel: 0800 1111

West Midlands Police- Tel: 999 Emergency & 101 Non Emergency

Child / Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) – Tel: 01922 607400

Victim Support (Walsall)- Tel: 0300 303 1977

Walsall Safeguarding Children Board – 01922 658409

Suicide Prevention advice and information

Local support and support organisations Click Here

Kaleidoscope Plus Group have established a national #Chat4Change day which takes place on
19th August 2022 Click Here

Our Partners

Walsall Citizens Advice Bureau – www.walsallcab.org.uk

Age UK Walsall – www.ageuk.org.uk/walsall 

Walsall Housing Group – www.whg.uk.com

University of Wolverhampton – www.wlv.ac.uk

Walsall Disability Forum – www.wcld.co.uk

The Vine Trust – www.thevinetrust.co.uk/ 

One Walsall – www.onewalsall.org

Walsall Service Users Empowerment – www.walsallsue.org.uk

Walsall Healthcare Service Providers and Commissioners

Walsall Clinical Commissioning Group – www.walsallccg.nhs.uk

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust – www.walsallhealthcare.nhs.uk

Dudley & Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust – www.dwmh.nhs.uk 

West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust – www.wmas.nhs.uk

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council – www.walsall.gov.uk 

POhWER (Complaints Advocacy service for Walsall)

NHS England – www.england.nhs.uk

NHS Choices – www.nhs.uk 

NHS Direct – www.nhs.uk

Public Health England –


Inspection & Oversight

Healthwatch England – www.healthwatch.co.uk

Care Quality Commission – www.cqc.org.uk 

Department of Health – www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-of-health 

Monitor – www.monitor-nhsft.gov.uk

Trust Development Authority – www.ntda.nhs.uk