1. Report -

    The project aimed to speak to women who had given birth in the last 12 months.
  2. Report -

    A copy of our Annual Public Meeting presentation
  3. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes. Agenda plus 4 documents enc.
  4. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes
  5. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Friday 6 August 2021 02:15 p.m. Virtual online digital platform Zoom
  7. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Monday 19 April 2021 02:15 p.m.
    Virtual online digital platform Zoom
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Thursday 4 February 2021 11:15 a.m.
    Virtual online digital platform Zoom.
  9. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Thursday 3 December 2020 11:00 a.m. Virtual online digital platform Zoom
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall Advisory Board (HAB) Meeting held on Thursday 23 July 2020, 2.00 p.m.
    Virtual Meeting
  11. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  12. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  13. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  14. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  15. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes.
  16. Report -

    We have finished our young persons project around barriers to communication when accessing health and social care services. It was really good to be able to link in with so many young people and to hear their views. Click the link below to see what young people are saying about services in Walsall.
  17. Report -

    Download and read what we have been doing and achieved over the last year.
  18. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during April 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  19. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during May 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  20. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during June 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  21. Report -

    Engaging Communities Solutions (ECS) is an organisation that focuses on involving patients and the public in healthcare research and decision-making processes including the delivery of local Healthwatch. In 2019, ECS became part of a team led by Birmingham University to conduct a research project funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The aim of the project was to evaluate the use of inter-organizational cooperation to bring about improvements in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.

    As part of the research, ECS carried out a focus group and interviews that contributed the patient and public voice to the project that evaluated the use of inter-organisational co-operation to make improvements in the NHS. Fieldwork was disrupted by the pandemic which meant that the completion of the research was to some extent delayed, but the report has now been published by the NIHR
  22. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during August 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  23. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during July 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  24. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during Novmeber 2023.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  25. Report -

    Healthwatch Walsall wanted explore how Black and Asian women in Walsall truly feel during
    their maternity journey. Do women feel as though they are listened to and valued as individuals? Do women feel they are treated with respect and compassion? These are major factors in the quality of treatment a patient feels they have received. Furthermore, we wanted to ask women if they felt their ethnic background influenced the treatment and care they received.

    Gathering such patient experiences helps to give a small insight into the maternity journey for Black and Asian women in Walsall.
  26. Report -

    On this occasion we carried out a project looking at the Accessible Information Standard to ensure it meets the needs of people with sensory impairment.

    Guidance from NHS England states:
    ‘From 1 August 2016 onwards, all organisations that provide NHS care and/or publicly-funded adult social care are legally required to follow the Accessible Information Standard.’

    ‘The Standard sets out a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents with a disability, impairment or sensory loss.’

    This report is a local sample of service user experiences and views.

    Available as a PDF and Word document which can be read aloud.
  27. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during March 2024.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  28. Report -

    Read or download a copy.
  29. Report -

    Our job is to champion the consumer interests of those using the services and give local people an opportunity to speak out about their issues.
  30. Report -

    Talk to patients about all aspects of their care and whether this is delivered in a way that promotes their dignity and independence including the ability to make choices about their health and care.
  31. Report -

    Healthwatch continues to gather information locally, through various means, such as surveys, focus groups, one-to-one conversations and questionnaires.
  32. Report -

    We wanted to find out what is important to young people when accessing Health and Social Care services, what they feel is missing and give young people an opportunity to have their voices heard.
  33. Report -

    An estimated 1.9 million people living in private households in the UK (2.9% of the population) were experiencing self-reported Long Covid (symptoms continuing for more than four weeks after the first confirmed or suspected coronavirus (Covid-19) infection that were not explained by something else) as of 5 March 2023. Long Covid symptoms adversely affected the day-to-day activities of 1.5 million people (79% of those with self-reported Long Covid), with 381,000 (20%) reporting that their ability to undertake their day-to-day activities
    had been “limited a lot”. Long Covid is an emerging phenomenon that is not yet fully understood.