Inequalities report February 2020

One in 6 of the UK population is affected by hearing loss equating to approximately 11M people, and of these almost 1M people are severely or profoundly deaf.

The project was driven by our intelligence gathered during our rounds of weekly contact with the service users and the public. On several occasions we received communication from deaf service users around issues accessing the Diabetic Prevention Program and Dental services. We undertook some basic research on the internet and found the following:

• Hearing loss is the third most common disability in the World.

• One in 6 of UK population is affected by hearing loss which equates to approx. 11m people.

• Of these 900,000 are severely/profoundly deaf.

• It was not possible to establish current deaf/hard of hearing service user numbers in Walsall as the statistics available were out of date (2010).


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