1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  2. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes. Agenda plus 4 documents enc.
  3. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes
  4. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  5. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  6. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, themes, and useful information.
  7. News -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  8. News -

    Information of support for those who feel isolated. Available support and services.
  9. Report -

    The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a key commissioning tool for NHS England, Local
    Authority and Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG). The PNA includes pharmaceutical services and
    other services that may be delivered through community pharmacy. The PNA maps current provision,
    assesses local need, and identifies any gaps in provision. It is reviewed every 3 years and Healthwatch
    Walsall were pleased to be asked to have an integral role in the consultation process.
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch continues to gather information locally, through various means, such as surveys, focus groups, one-to-one conversations and questionnaires.
  11. News -

    Our Autumn newsletter has just dropped.
    With useful information and support opportunities.
  12. News -

    Healthwatch Walsall would like to know what is affecting you and your family, how you are/will be planning to manage and to find out what support you need?
  13. News -

    The young person's communication project is aimed at young people aged 14-24 to find out their experiences and challenges in accessing health and social care services and whether young people are aware of alternative options for primary care services. We are conducting this survey to find out what barriers young people are faced with and what could help improve this for them.
  14. News -

    Have you had an issue communicating with a professional? Have you had issues accessing health services? A campaign for and by young people in Walsall
  15. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.