1. Report -

    We wanted to find out what is important to young people when accessing Health and Social Care services, what they feel is missing and give young people an opportunity to have their voices heard.
  2. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  3. Report -

    Your monthly catch-up on health and social care experiences, topics, and themes, and useful information.
  4. Report -

    A copy of our public meeting/ minutes.
  5. Report -

    Our' Cost Of Living Crisis' report is now available. See how people have made adjustments and whats important to them.
  6. Report -

    We have finished our young persons project around barriers to communication when accessing health and social care services. It was really good to be able to link in with so many young people and to hear their views. Click the link below to see what young people are saying about services in Walsall.
  7. Report -

    Download and read what we have been doing and achieved over the last year.
  8. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during June 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  9. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during September 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  10. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during August 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  11. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the themes and issues that patients have faced using Walsall Services during July 2023. Also, things that you can get involved with!
  12. Report -

    Read our latest work project 2023/2024 report on NHS dental Care services in Walsall.
  13. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during October 2023.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  14. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.

  15. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  16. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  17. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives. .
  18. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives. We carried out the visit at the request of Adult Safeguarding Walsall CCG.
  19. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  20. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  21. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives. We carried out the visit at the request of Adult Safeguarding Walsall CCG.
  22. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  23. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  24. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  25. Report -

    To observe the physical environment of the home and the interactions of staff and residents. To listen to, observe and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents and relatives.
  26. Report -

    To observe, and capture the experiences of service delivery from the residents' and relatives’ points of view.
  27. Report -

    Our Engage & Share Report on Drake Court is available. To read or download the report use the link below.
  28. Report -

    Our Enter and View Report on Blakenall Family Practice is now available. The visit took place in March 2023. If you would like a paper copy of the report sent to you please call 0800 470 1660.
  29. Report -

    To read and download a copy.
  30. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during December 2023.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  31. Report -

    To read and download a copy. Use the 'Downloads' button below.

    Provider feedback
    The below response was received and added.

    We at The Willows were happy to welcome the Healthwatch team into the home.

    Face to Face relatives meetings will recommence in February 2024, as recent Zoom meetings were not well attended. The Activities Co-ordinator will be inviting residents to a meeting very soon for discussions and recommendations.

    We as a home acknowledge the report and look to make improvements for the well-being of our residents and staff.
  32. Report -

    Read or download a copy.
    One download is a PDF and the other in Microsft Word format.
  33. Report -

    Read or download a copy.
    One download is a PDF and the other in Microsft Word format.
  34. Report -

    A brief outline of some of the issues and themes that patients have faced when accessing Walsall Services during March 2024.

    Also, things that you can get involved with!
  35. Report -

    NHS 111 triages people's medical needs to enable them to access the appropriate services or to provide advice on self-care where relevant. We want to know if this process is working for you and understand your experiences of using the service.

    Here is what you said.
  36. Report -

    Read or download a copy.