NHS advice during the upcoming industrial action

People in the Black Country are being urged to think carefully about which health service they should use during the upcoming industrial action.

Junior doctors are planning to strike for five consecutive days, starting from 7am on Thursday 27 June to 7am on Tuesday 2 July.

All health and care partners in the Black Country are working together to prepare for the industrial action, which will have significant impact on NHS local services, and are asking the public for their support.

Emergency care will be prioritised, and people are being reminded that 999 and emergency departments are still the right services if it is a life-saving emergency. However, for anything that isn’t life-threatening, people are being urged to use 111 online as the first port of call for health needs. People can also call 111 for help, advice, and signposting to the most appropriate service.

Pharmacies, GP appointments, walk-in centres, minor injury units and urgent treatment centres will continue to be available during the industrial action and can help people with a range of injuries and illnesses.

People with hospital appointments should continue to come forward for the care they need and do not need to call to check if appointments are going ahead. If appointments do need to be rearranged due to strike action, patients will be contacted directly.