The Patient Experience of Cancer Services in Walsall

This year one of our priority projects is ‘The Patient Experience of Cancer Services in Walsall’. Our aim is to gain an understanding of the patient experience of those who have used cancer services in Walsall; generally we are trying to find out whether people in Walsall were happy with the treatment and care they received. We want to know if people were treated with compassion, if they felt safe and cared for, if they were listened to; and whether they were given the support and information they needed. Getting an understanding of this will help us to understand how services can be improved for the future.

To take part in our survey, please click the link below, it takes just a few minutes and your feedback can help shape services for the future.

We will be out and about talking to people and attending different groups and events, promoting our project. We hope to listen to as many people as possible to ensure all voices are heard from every corner of the community. If you would like to support our engagement and invite us to your group or event, please get in touch. We would love to come and listen to what people have to say!

We will also be holding coffee / tea chats for people to come along and and share their experiences of cancer services in Walsall, please keep a look out for future dates.

To get involved, please contact project lead Loretta Higgins on:

07732 683 449 /