Respiratory Care Pathway Patient Engagement Report
115,000 people a year die from lung disease in the UK, equivalent to 1 person every 5
minutes, and every day, 1500 people are newly diagnosed with lung disease. Moreover, the
health outcomes for people with lung disease have not improved over the last 10 years to the
same extent as other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. The mortality rate
(the number of people per 100,000 dying) of people aged under 75 from respiratory disease
in Walsall is 48.1, which is significantly worse than the national rate of 34.2.
There were 5040 emergency hospital admissions for respiratory disease in 2018/19 in
Walsall. Hospital admissions due to respiratory conditions are a major factor in the winter
pressures faced by the NHS and lung disease costs the UK more than £11 billion per year
including the impact on the NHS (£9.9bn), and wider economy through working days lost
minutes, and every day, 1500 people are newly diagnosed with lung disease. Moreover, the
health outcomes for people with lung disease have not improved over the last 10 years to the
same extent as other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. The mortality rate
(the number of people per 100,000 dying) of people aged under 75 from respiratory disease
in Walsall is 48.1, which is significantly worse than the national rate of 34.2.
There were 5040 emergency hospital admissions for respiratory disease in 2018/19 in
Walsall. Hospital admissions due to respiratory conditions are a major factor in the winter
pressures faced by the NHS and lung disease costs the UK more than £11 billion per year
including the impact on the NHS (£9.9bn), and wider economy through working days lost